Saturday, September 3, 2011


I don't do well with change. It's not that I shy away from it, fear it, or even embrace it. I just don't think about it. The thing is, though, and this will not be a grand pearl of wisdom - but regardless if you evoke, provoke, embrace, shy away from, create, or hate will always happen. 

These past 2 weeks have been full of change - not all fact, I'm not positive that any of it has been bad...just different. In order to change, you have to let go...and that's something that I don't do very well. I recently lost a colleague who took change by the horns and spanked it into being a submissive little puppy. He stared change in the face, barked at it, pulled strings, manipulated, and crafted a change that was suitable to him. Yeah, he seemed bigger than life to most of us, too. Can you imagine anyone that fearless? I knew him. I saw the string pulling (girl's class and last minute field trips), I saw the crafted change (schedules moved around to benefit me), I saw the spanked in to submissive change (not so snappy now that HE'S here, are we?) and I saw the manipulated change (did he really say that?, did that really happen?). I knew him. The ins and outs that he would share. I saw the good and the bad of mastering the craft of change. 

I'm not sure that I want to master it...I don't want that power, that responsibility, the possession of the choices that come from being manipulated one way or the other. Granted, I'd like to always have my little routines. I'd like to run to W227 to cry because my son just got in trouble, share something I just heard, or check on how the day is going. I'd like to always pop in to W205 (or is it 3?) on my way to the bathroom, or for lunch and stay until the last possible minute because the break is too needed and the camaraderie just too good to walk away from. I'd like to pass W214 every morning and yell "morning Tatum!" and know that as soon as our things are put away we'll meet up to gab, gripe, and share the ins and outs of a hectic life. I know that a forever of those things are not guaranteed...I know it, and perhaps after our loss I won't take them so half heartedly. 

I'll never stop at W215 again on my way to my room to get my morning "charge" or the latest gossip. I'll never hear "Brittany!!!!" at the end of the grade period and willingly have to stop entering my grades to go fix his. I'll never check on him in between class periods because he didn't look so hot. I'll never gripe because he called me fat (again!) :) or because he hurt my feelings. I'll never hear him call me "baby" or hear his chuckle after he said something completely absurd. And for once, nothing he can do, and nothing I can do can change that. 

I'll miss you Padre Juan. The good AND the bad helped shape me. I learned from you - and from watching you - and granted - it wasn't all good - but I was constantly learning. Thanks for what you've given me - a place to thrive - and a group of precious, precious friends that lighten the load. You've orchestrated yourself an amazing legacy, and you chose some amazing people to continue that. I'm proud that I knew you. I'm thankful for the good and the bad. And you'll forever be remembered. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


think of anything to write! I started a post but half way through I realized how utterly stupid it was. No one cares that I can't think of anything nice to say! :) Our summer is going well - I'm actually enjoying hanging out with the kids, swimming, late nights, and random cooking adventures. We are looking into a few quick trips and one heck of a shopping expedition in August. 

Although I am enjoying my summer...I really miss my students. Usually the most stressful thing about my job is the adults - for the most part I really enjoy the kiddos. I'm ready to get back and see my former students and meet my new ones. I love it. Plus, one of my best friends from college is teaching with me! Her room is diagonal to mine, so it'll be so good to have her join the crew. I also really miss my work friends - how I absolutely LOVE my girls! 

This new year is going to be faced with LOTS of changes...lots. One of the biggest ones is that the test is changing and I'm having to redo the curriculum...but...this is one part of teaching that I love. Don't get me's pressure, and lots of it - but it's also rising to the occasion. It's the hit and miss of new lessons going well - and revamping, redoing, recreating...I'm excited. So...3 1/2 more weeks of summer for me - and although I'm enjoying it - I can't wait to get my hands dirty!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Five years ago...

Five years ago I was graduating college, getting married, and planning on building a house in Huntington.
Well - the job I had been guaranteed fell through, the land thing didn't work out, and things with my inlaws were anything but easy. I ended up working as a teller for about 6 weeks when I randomly checked the Lufkin ISD website. Surprise, surprise! They had an english opening. I applied, interviewed - and one thing led to the other. My wedding was absolutely beautiful - magical, even.

Four years ago, 12 weeks into our marriage, I got pregnant with Braxton...and life quickly changed. On that same day, David was layed off from Lufkin Industries, building our house in Huntington quickly seem unattainable, but we were happy. Unsure about the future, but happy. I had an amazing first year at Lufkin. We moved into my parent's house and welcomed the most precious bundle of joy imaginable. We faced many, many hardships that year - but Braxton gave us such abundant joy that it was impossible to miss.
David started police academy at Angelina College and thing were looking up.

Three years ago, David was working for Nacogdoches PD, I was starting a new class at Lufkin, and Braxton was growing by leaps and bounds. We were growing closer to new people - and Michael and Mallori cemented themselves forever as our best friends. We were very involved in church and even though David's work schedule sucked - we were happy. Christmas night an incident happened that altered our life once again. New Years Day, David was informed that he was no longer needed at Nacogdoches PD - and life changed again. We rolled with the punches...but this was a devastating blow. I'll never forget the hurt in my husbands face when he walked through the doors, midnight, on new years eve. "What's wrong!?!?!? What's wrong!!!" - I learned from the night of the shooting that anytime your husband is a police officer and comes home's not a good sign. "What's wrong!?!?" - my heart was racing and I was scared to death. "I...I...I didn't make it - I'm not a cop anymore" - my world changed. Not because we in the throes of unemployment again...but because my husband's heart was broken. We woke my parents up and all met in the living room. They offered comfort and encouragement. We knew that we would make it. We went down more law enforcement job paths, to no avail. David then got a job at Georgia Pacific...just until "something opened up." Little did we know, that he found a home, created a future for us far beyond what we could ever imagine. We moved out that summer, and life started again. Actually, life really did start. July 22nd, we found out that we were pregnant with our Hadley Grace.

Two years ago - David was receiving promotion after promotion. I went through some true struggles at work. But we were making it. For the first time in our lives we were truly on our own (or as on our own as our family allows). We were being so blessed! Beyond measure! David was on a business trip when my contractions with Hadley Grace started. I was terrified. Mallori went with me to the hospital. They observed us, and said that they were very worried about her. HG would be delivered March 17 - David's birthday. David came home, and we had a baby. Our family grew, our hearts grew, and life was good. We began building that dream house, too, by the way.

This year - we've attained some of the highest goals we set for ourselves. We've faced some hardships and trials at church - but it's allowed us to grow closer as a couple. It's given us the opportunity to see how loyal and amazing our friends our - protectors, defenders, good deep into their souls. David has received promotion after promotion. He's headed to Canada, Green Bay...tons of places. Our kids are a joy. Our life is good.

And just think...five years ago...we weren't too sure!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Losing a friend and letting go...

A lot has happened since I last friend got married, cruise, new puppy, HG's birthday - and work/church has been a hot mess. So forgive me for not posting (for those that care).

What I want to write about today, isn't going to be pretty. In fact, I prepared myself by sitting at my kitchen table - determined to sit and write until this was posted.

I'm losing a friend. Well, technically, I think I already lost this friend. We are at the point now to where our time forcefully spent together is coming to an end. 10 more days and our paths technically never have to cross again. 10 days to say what needs to be said. 10 days left for uncomfortable silences. 10 days.

This friend hurt me. And I mean...hurt me. I saw things and heard things he said about me that I know, with all my heart, he never intended for me to know about. But...I do. What do you do when that happens? What do you do when you hear and see things that you know were not meant for your eyes because the person saying them cares about you - but know. I know.

I think back to the closeness that I once felt with him. Good...good memories of laughing over people and experiences. Poking fun at my youth compared to his "age of wisdom." Music. My penchant for sappiness. Griping about spouses, kids, bills, money - rejoicing in pregnancies, ups in marriages, successes in our jobs. Our friendship was never seamless. My need to mother got on his last nerve...but the honesty we had established in our friendship let him know that it was only because I cared. His utter assholeness, at times, served as his trusty shield to not let others get too close - and his honesty with me allowed me to know that. We worked around it, snapped at each other, laughed about it, and moved on. There were conversations shared that did not speak highly of my personality or character. But I trusted him enough to share them with him...and though our friendship faded - my trust never wavered. In fact, on occasion there would be out of the blue emails and we'd pick up right where we left off - venting/bitching/blowing off steam - trusting that it wouldn't be shared - and put right back down again.

I think that if that level of trust and honesty hadn't existed in our friendship - I wouldn't have been so hurt about what was said. One of my classic quotes is - I know who I am and I know who and what I'm not. I know that I'm overweight. I know that I'm bossy. I know that I'm not what the world, with one glance would consider beautiful. I'm not saying that I'm proud of that or even take joy in that - but I do take joy in knowing who I am. In making the most of it, maybe? I'm not going to say that my weight never bothers me - but I've found beauty in myself, despite that, and I'm pretty proud of that. Still...the things he said...even with my own self honesty...hurt - because they came from someone who I thought was willing to look deeper than most.

I've already confronted him - but still feel unsettled. I have ten days to say goodbye. Ten days to say thank you for the mentorship, honesty, advice, and good times. Ten days to sort through this so I can see him go on his way without regrets. Ten days.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

She's Having A Baby...

My best friends are expecting!!! David and I are so excited. It came at just the right time. David and I have been struggling with the decision of calling it quits (having babies) or to add one more to our family. I really don't want to be pregnant again - since preeclamsia worsens each pregnancy - and didn't want to test our finances out on providing for 3 - but yet - there's still just something about it. Well - we get to add one to our family - via someone else! Now, we'll get our baby fix and not have to go through any of it (again)! So, congrats Michael and Mal - we are so excited!!

Today is Hadley Grace's birthday! One year ago today Mal, David, Mom, Dad, and Connie were sitting in the hospital with me waiting for her to make her presence. I was so nervous - I remember dropping  Braxton off with Uncle Mike and holding on for dear life. Knowing that I was going to have surgery and that anything could happen was so scary. It was also scary knowing that our family would never be the same. God knew exactly what we needed and gave us Hadley Grace. She is the gentlest, sweetest yet still sassy little girl that ever existed. She has the perfect amount of sugar and spice. We are truly blessed! We will be having a little shindig with the M&M's for both Hadley and David's birthday tomorrow night.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


up a plan. Yep. A big plan, indeed. If all goes well...things will get pretty interesting. Cross your fingers, make a wish, and say a prayer.

Stay tuned...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Beware of the Crockadonald

Bug's newest trick to get out of time out is to suddenly become afraid of the "crockadonald" that only appears in time out. It's quite absurd, actually. But it's so stinking cute that it normally gets him out of trouble! Hadley Grace is almost walking on her own. Right now she's content with grabbing on to Braxton's shirt and toddling behind him until she bites the dust.

Life is busy busy busy right now. Friday I'm headed to Buna to help Holly get ready for the big day. It'll be some much needed friend time - but I'm hoping I can get a lot of her wedding stuff knocked out of the way. She helped me make 500 bird seed bags for mine - I definitely owe her! It's hard to imagine that all of us our married now. I mean - I know that we're not old - so I guess it's more of the history that I stand in awe of.

When I come home it'll be spring break - I'm not sure when, where, or how but we're planning on going to Corpus to hang out with our BFF's. Then the 19th is the Brad Paisely concert. I'm super excited and stil can't really believe that David pulled off surprising me - but he did! And then - in 34 days - we set sail! Life is hectic right now - but a good kind of hectic.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It is finished....

Thank the sweet baby Jesus, it is finished! TAKS Tuesday is drawing to a close...I'm one tired puppy! I can't exactly explain what makes this day so incredibly long. The stress? The pressure radiating from the kids, coworkers, everyone?? I don't know why sitting in silence for four hours is so nerve wrecking - but it is. Like I said, thank the dear Lord it's over!

I'm currently watching American Idol...and I can't exactly say I'm loving it this season. So's just kinda blah. I was shocked, however, to find that Bethenny Frankel had a new show. Woot woot!

Well - cheers! Here's to tomorrow!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Top 5...

So we are now proud attendees of St. Cyprian's. We're super excited and can't wait to start - but I'm pretty sure that after last night, they may be begging for more time. We all know by now that Bug is mercurial. You never know what you're going to get. Last night we had well behaved moments...and we had those moments that make you shut your eyes and wish you were anywhere else but there. So - to just sum up the night - here's the top 5 things you don't want to hear when you're enrolling at a new school -

1. "Wow - he sure is quick!" - Read - this was uttered as my son took off and ran from one side of the school to the other with my phone.

2. "He'll do anything to get to music!" - uttered as my son was literally strumming the tar out of a guitar at the front of the stage - in front of EVERYONE. (This followed comment #1)

3. "Wow Buddy - you sure have a loud growl!" - read - holy crap! How did your ear drums survive after your son pulled your ear to his mouth and screamed NO!

4. "He sure is strong willed" - this game after he REFUSED to get down from a kid size loft in one of the classrooms. KID. SIZE. LOFT. Think about how this plays out...there's nothing about me kid sized. Nothing. Getting him down was an interested task.

5. "At least he likes his new school!" Said as he was screaming and kicking and begging to stay on our way out of the door.

Well St. Cyprian's, it's a done deal. You can't back out of it now! So...all I have to true Episcopalian form..."The Lord be with you..!"

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Here we go again...

Apparently a blog is supposed to be place to talk about your feelings. goes.

Today I'm feeling...dread. Frustration. A steely metallic charcoal feeling in the pit of my stomach - ugh.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, I'm getting a new class today. This class is a group of hand chosen girls. Yep...girls. All girls. 15 of them. Ugh. They don't want a new teacher. 
This is putting me back in a position that I don't exactly care to be in. 
Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

Not in the best of moods today. But - part of having a job is doing what needs to be done just cause it needs to be done. we go again.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

So...about the blog...

So much for weekly fault. I don't even really know why I haven't written. For starters - there's been a ton of drama going on. TONS AND TONS. So, it's hard to write without spilling the matter how badly you wish for me to tip the pot and spill...I can't. Work ethics and what not...

There was the "big freeze" - we actually cancelled school and declared a snow day. Guess what. No snow. That kinda sucked, but over all it was fun to actually feel like I lived in a state that experienced winter. But no fear - it's now 70 plus...just the way I like. I've already busted out the open toed shoes...I gotta get a pedicure!

My son has officially decided to be unpottytrained. He REFUSES to use the potty! His response is "I don't care to" whenever you ask him if he wants to use the potty. Thanks, Bug. Thanks.

My baby girl is officially the cutest thing in the world. She's giving sugars now...and it totally melts my heart. She loves to stand on the love seat next to me and snack on cheerios. She'll take a bite and put her head on my shoulder just so she can beam up at me. Then, she'll raise up and give me sugars. Melts my heart...every time.

My husband is moving up and up and up and up in the world of GP. I am so proud of him. There was truly a time in my life when I feared he'd never find happiness in his career again - but now - I get emails and text messages where he is just beside himself with pride, excitement, and ideas. What more could a wife want??

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


This moment happened just seconds ago...

Bug came running into the kitchen. "Hi Shovel, Hi Pail!!" Knowing the drill, Dave and I replied back with - "Hi, Joe!" (If you haven't figured out by now - we have a bit of a Blue's Clues fetish on our hands.) Braxton continued talking about clues, handy dandys, skadoos, and other BC paraphanelia. All throughout the conversation he kept referring to me as Pail and David as Shovel. Here's the portion of our conversation that is pure toddler gold:

Me: Bug...I mean Joe, why is Daddy shovel??
Bug: Because Daddy is sooooo taaalllllll.
Me: Bug, why is Mommy pail? (Thinking it'd be because I'm so short...)
Bug: Oh, I know Mommy. Because you're so rooouuunnnndddd.

Thanks, Bug. Thanks.

Monday, January 31, 2011

This weekend....

This weekend I cleaned my house from top to bottom, got caught up on laundry, held and loved on two sick babies, made homemade soup, whatever Braxton wanted for breakfast, graded papers, made worksheets, and even ironed. I also snapped at my husband and yelled at Braxton to hush when he wouldn't stop whining. I spilled a gallon of milk all over the kitchen floor. I got frustrated when I could get Hadley to take her medicine. I cried while having to hold Braxton down for his breathing treatment.

My point - no one's perfect. On my very best day my life is anything but a fairytale. There's good along with the bad. Here's some examples:

I've nursed some pretty serious boo boo's with nothing but a scooby doo bandaid and a kiss. I've also had to save Hadley from choking on one that I forgot the nurse put on her finger at her doctor's visit. I've ironed clothes until two in the morning so that my husband would look professional and "cared for" at work. I've also told him to just throw them in the dryer first thing in the morning - because I was gonna watch "Housewives". I've loved on Bug and talked him down from the scariest of temper tantrums. I've also totally lost it and literally had to walk away. I've rushed to tend to the cries of Hadley Grace at all hours of the night with pure joy in my heart. On more than one occasion, I've prayed that she would just go back to sleep so I didn't have to get out of bed. I've made 45 dollars for gas and food stretch for 2 weeks. I've also spent 150 bucks we didn't necessarily have on impulse buys at Target. I've made some awesome homemade dinners with Bug's help - from pizza to chicken and dumplings! I've also been told by the school that it wouldn't hurt if his lunch had a bit of variation from day to day. (What's wrong with pb&j?)

My world is not all rainbows and butterflies. There's nothing like real life to make the good and bad in you, both, shine. I've had great triumphs as a parent and wife. But, my friends, I've had many of failures as well. But at the end of the day, I simply am who I am. I'm not saying that I'm 100 percent satisified with myself and that I don't seek betterment - I definitely do! But I realize that the good and bad is a part of who I am. Do I broadcast my failures - not at all. But sharing my struggles as a mom, wife, daughter, teacher, woman gives me strength - and just maybe they give others the feeling that they're not in it alone.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Dawn Dish Detergent is not an Aphrodisiac

I love my husband. Really, I do. And most of the time, I even genuinely like him. So, keep that in mind while you read this blog.

Why in the world would my husband think that while I'm doing the dishes is the time to come and try to "holla" - I mean - REALLY! This scenario plays out again and again and again - my kitchen is a disaster area. DIS-AS-TER. I'm at the sink, frantically scrubbing dishes and loading the dishwasher like I'm training for the Olympics. I've also managed to pick up no fewer than 3 pairs of socks, 2 towels, and the babysons discarded pants from earlier in the day so I could start a load of laundry. I have one goal in mind - getting the kitchen clean so I can cook supper for my family - and freakin SIT DOWN for the first time in ages.

And now, here comes David. Empty handed, mind you, he hasn't picked up the laundry or the stray dish that I missed on my way to the sink. And he's doing that walk - I don't think I can put it into words, but ladies - you know the walk. The walk where the lower end gets to you before any other part of his body. Yeah...that walk. The one that has the some value as shaking it at you.

I see him in my peripheral vision doing the leery creeper walk. I have an idea - surely if I rattle of my list of to dos before I can sit down, he'll get the clue that right now is not a good time. Or - maybe I can ask if the kids have had a bath? Does he see any laundry? Oh wait - a bird, a plane - a lone dish in the bathroom. Nothing. "I don't see any babe, creeper shuffle creeper shuffle." "Nope babe, you got em all" - creeper shuffle creeper shuffle. "I'll get it in a minute, right now I'm doing something else." Creeper shuffle creeper shuffle.

I mean - really?? Come on, Harris. And then it happens - suddenly I'm shoved against the sink. I've sloshed water all over myself from the bowl I was scrubbing. And this is what I hear...

wait for it.

wait for it.

"You busy?"

Seriously? What makes him think that while I'm elbow deep in dishwasher - scrubbing the bowl I found on the side of the couch that contained his LUCKY CHARMS from Saturday that I'm interested at ALL in being "busy".

This happens again and again! Why don't men get that the time to be romantic is AFTER they've helped you put the laundry away or cleared the dinner plates. After they swept the living room floor - just cause. My new line - be my help mate - and I'll be your bed mate!!

'Just sayin...

I really do love him.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Group Work With a Moral

My students are finishing up a massive project. We've given them two weeks to create a presentation over TAKS vocabulary words as well as a handout - the only catch is that it has to be creative. They absolutely love it. I chose groups with extreme care and tried to put complementary personalities together. My "matchmaking" was both successful and a hot mess. But we're making it. Like I said, the kids love it, I just kinda struggle through.

My first year teaching, I didn't believe in group work. Well, let me rephrase that, it's not that I didn't believe in it...I knew that part of my job was helping students learn how to collaborate and work together...but it scared me. I preferred straight, neat rows of 5 compared to clumped, scattered desks. I preferred clean carpets and aisles, compared to glitter and stick glue. I preferred silence to the eternal yapping that accompanies group work. I preferred my way compared to seeing how it went.

I remember the first time I attempted group work. It actually wasn't a disaster. It went smoothly...and my kids were having fun. It wasn't silent but it was productive. It wasn't neat and orderly, but it was engaged. It made me feel successful.

Now, here's the moral to my story. I've been thinking a lot about my life lately. It seems like, right now, I'm just a bundle of stress. There's conflict and confrontation in many different directions. I feel like I'm in charge of SO much. Sometimes I feel like I can't misstep or fall out of line, even for a second, because it'll instantly be under scrutiny. So, here I am, frantically trying to keep my rows straight and the glitter off the floor - all the while the world is having a silly string/confetti party in my classroom!

I'm tired. I'm weary. Maybe even a little broken. I'm at the end of my rope. I feel like I can't hang on even a second longer. But, you know what...sometimes God has to get me to that point so that I'll let go. So that's what I'm working on right now. Letting go. Letting fear, doubt, worry, disappointment, frustration...letting it all go. I'm learning that if I focus on the rows, and the silence, and the control...I'm probably going to miss out on something big.

So...I'm letting go.

Friday, January 14, 2011

I'm more...

I'm more spice than sugar.
I'm more "I can't believe I said that" than politically correct.
I'm more of a guys girl than a girls girl.
I'm more of jeans and tshirts than skirts and heels.
I'm more Kid Rock than Lil Wayne.
I'm more Eminem than Drake.
I'm more country than city.
I'm more Larry the Cable Guy than Tom Cruise.
I'm more Nick Jr. than Disney.
I'm more pasta than salad.
I'm more fat and happy than skinny and hungry.
I'm more ballsy than meek.
I'm more group of close friends than a gaggle of girls.
I'm more shut up and listen than I'll stand here and wait until you're quiet.
I'm more loved than hated.

I'm more board games than nights out.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mother of the Year...not!

(This post was written previously, but not posted. Like it matters, right?)

Last night I cooked dinner at my folk's house. We had a great time and really enjoyed the visit. Since Mom had already bathed Braxton, when we got home I decided to just stick Hadley Grace in the tub with me. Well she was absolutely adorable. She was saying "Ma Ma", waving bye bye - it just had to all be captured on video. So...I got my handy dandy iPhone (Blues Clues - what what??). And I recorded this: I was going to insert the video...but can't figure out how to do it - so I'll tell you.

Right as I was saying - say "MaMa" - she reached for a bathtub crayon and went under! You can hear me saying "woah" - then "gassssppp" - then "you're okay!!" - right before the video ends. And you know what - she was okay! But how hilarious that it was all caught on video!

Now - this reminded me of my childhood. I was an incredibly gregarious, stubborn child. I am also an only child. Mom and Dad created an absolutely amazing childhood for me - and what do you do when you create an amazing childhood moment for your kiddos?? That's right, you video it! So the video camera was a regular part of the family. But, more times than not, it captured moments like this:

Easter morning: 1989, I'm 6 years old - dressed and ready for church. Mom wants to get a video of me in my insanely expensive outfit - complete with gloves and southern bell hat. I want to do anything but cooperate. You hear the video starting out like any other video - In my mom's best Barbara Walters voice "This is Easter morning, 1989. We are getting ready for church and Brittany has on her brand new clothes." "Brittany - come stand in front of Mom and tell me what the Easter Bunny brought you!"

I'm not buying it. I'm not budging. I'm not being the polite child I have the potential to be and she longs me to be. I'm sticking out my tongue. I'm swinging my easter basket. I'm scratching...well...I'm not being what she wants me to be! But here's the kicker!!

Mom points the camera in a different direction and gets her third grade teacher voice on - "Brittany Corrie - I am trying to record memories! Do you want everyone for years and years and years to see you doing this?? Do you?? Now act right!!"

Cue video camera angled at me - Diane Sawyer voice - and take 2!

These videos have provided us with lots of entertainment. Now Mom says - why didn't I just let it go!! Why did I stress. Why didn't I put it on pause!! We laugh and laugh and laugh...but the thing is - we want what's best for our kids. We want the clean house (Mom was amazing at that!), the frilly dresses, Easter Basket with New Kids on the Block poster and t-shirt, and dang it, we want it recorded! We want it documented that we got it right...if only for a couple of minutes...we got it right. I get it now, Mom - I really really do!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Almost Friday!

...and thank the Good Lord above!! It's been a different week - student's 1/2 a day wed. and thurs - no students tomorrow - but it's still been a doozy! My foot is getting better every day - much to my relief and my husbands! Which, speaking of husbands, mine has been absolutely amazing during this whole foot thing. He's taken over cooking, kids, and tons more. Feel free to remind me of this when he hasn't been so great and I really come down hard on him - OR - when he does something totally stupid (it happens) yet doesn't quite deserve the full weight of the wrath I'm prepared to dish out.

With that being said - cheers and Greys!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Back to the grind...

Tomorrow is the first class day of 2011...I'm ready for it. As ready as I can be. I actually miss my kids over the break...I get into a routine and get in the habit of checking on them. I hope that they stayed out of trouble, enjoyed their trips, and are all okay.

I am a little anxious about my foot. I feel like once I get in the building, in my room, I'll be good to go. The long walk is what I'm worried about. It's getting to where it will settle to a dull ache when I'm still, but the minute I move or walk searing pain makes it's presence. Oh well...guess we'll just have to see.

In other news, Brax has started doing the cutest thing. I think it stems from Da calling Hadley Grace his princess - but Bug has started calling me princess. He'll either say, "ohhh, mommy princess, your foot hurt?" or come on princess, let's what dino dan! It melts my heart everytime.