Friday, February 25, 2011

Top 5...

So we are now proud attendees of St. Cyprian's. We're super excited and can't wait to start - but I'm pretty sure that after last night, they may be begging for more time. We all know by now that Bug is mercurial. You never know what you're going to get. Last night we had well behaved moments...and we had those moments that make you shut your eyes and wish you were anywhere else but there. So - to just sum up the night - here's the top 5 things you don't want to hear when you're enrolling at a new school -

1. "Wow - he sure is quick!" - Read - this was uttered as my son took off and ran from one side of the school to the other with my phone.

2. "He'll do anything to get to music!" - uttered as my son was literally strumming the tar out of a guitar at the front of the stage - in front of EVERYONE. (This followed comment #1)

3. "Wow Buddy - you sure have a loud growl!" - read - holy crap! How did your ear drums survive after your son pulled your ear to his mouth and screamed NO!

4. "He sure is strong willed" - this game after he REFUSED to get down from a kid size loft in one of the classrooms. KID. SIZE. LOFT. Think about how this plays out...there's nothing about me kid sized. Nothing. Getting him down was an interested task.

5. "At least he likes his new school!" Said as he was screaming and kicking and begging to stay on our way out of the door.

Well St. Cyprian's, it's a done deal. You can't back out of it now! So...all I have to true Episcopalian form..."The Lord be with you..!"

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Here we go again...

Apparently a blog is supposed to be place to talk about your feelings. goes.

Today I'm feeling...dread. Frustration. A steely metallic charcoal feeling in the pit of my stomach - ugh.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, I'm getting a new class today. This class is a group of hand chosen girls. Yep...girls. All girls. 15 of them. Ugh. They don't want a new teacher. 
This is putting me back in a position that I don't exactly care to be in. 
Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

Not in the best of moods today. But - part of having a job is doing what needs to be done just cause it needs to be done. we go again.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

So...about the blog...

So much for weekly fault. I don't even really know why I haven't written. For starters - there's been a ton of drama going on. TONS AND TONS. So, it's hard to write without spilling the matter how badly you wish for me to tip the pot and spill...I can't. Work ethics and what not...

There was the "big freeze" - we actually cancelled school and declared a snow day. Guess what. No snow. That kinda sucked, but over all it was fun to actually feel like I lived in a state that experienced winter. But no fear - it's now 70 plus...just the way I like. I've already busted out the open toed shoes...I gotta get a pedicure!

My son has officially decided to be unpottytrained. He REFUSES to use the potty! His response is "I don't care to" whenever you ask him if he wants to use the potty. Thanks, Bug. Thanks.

My baby girl is officially the cutest thing in the world. She's giving sugars now...and it totally melts my heart. She loves to stand on the love seat next to me and snack on cheerios. She'll take a bite and put her head on my shoulder just so she can beam up at me. Then, she'll raise up and give me sugars. Melts my heart...every time.

My husband is moving up and up and up and up in the world of GP. I am so proud of him. There was truly a time in my life when I feared he'd never find happiness in his career again - but now - I get emails and text messages where he is just beside himself with pride, excitement, and ideas. What more could a wife want??

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


This moment happened just seconds ago...

Bug came running into the kitchen. "Hi Shovel, Hi Pail!!" Knowing the drill, Dave and I replied back with - "Hi, Joe!" (If you haven't figured out by now - we have a bit of a Blue's Clues fetish on our hands.) Braxton continued talking about clues, handy dandys, skadoos, and other BC paraphanelia. All throughout the conversation he kept referring to me as Pail and David as Shovel. Here's the portion of our conversation that is pure toddler gold:

Me: Bug...I mean Joe, why is Daddy shovel??
Bug: Because Daddy is sooooo taaalllllll.
Me: Bug, why is Mommy pail? (Thinking it'd be because I'm so short...)
Bug: Oh, I know Mommy. Because you're so rooouuunnnndddd.

Thanks, Bug. Thanks.