Tuesday, July 5, 2011


think of anything to write! I started a post but half way through I realized how utterly stupid it was. No one cares that I can't think of anything nice to say! :) Our summer is going well - I'm actually enjoying hanging out with the kids, swimming, late nights, and random cooking adventures. We are looking into a few quick trips and one heck of a shopping expedition in August. 

Although I am enjoying my summer...I really miss my students. Usually the most stressful thing about my job is the adults - for the most part I really enjoy the kiddos. I'm ready to get back and see my former students and meet my new ones. I love it. Plus, one of my best friends from college is teaching with me! Her room is diagonal to mine, so it'll be so good to have her join the crew. I also really miss my work friends - how I absolutely LOVE my girls! 

This new year is going to be faced with LOTS of changes...lots. One of the biggest ones is that the test is changing and I'm having to redo the curriculum...but...this is one part of teaching that I love. Don't get me wrong...it's pressure, and lots of it - but it's also rising to the occasion. It's the hit and miss of new lessons going well - and revamping, redoing, recreating...I'm excited. So...3 1/2 more weeks of summer for me - and although I'm enjoying it - I can't wait to get my hands dirty!