Thursday, December 30, 2010

Nothing of importance...

I don't really have anything important to I ever? But felt like I should keep up the streak and write. There have been 2 new and very beautiful additions to our lives! Milo Jay Jackson was born 2 days ago to one of my very best friends. He is the most handsome little boy - ever. He's got these big huge brown eyes, lashes that last for days and just the cutests little look to him. I can't wait to meet him and smooch on him! Just need to get this stupid foot to cooperate!

And then one of my oldest friends, Alana, just had her baby boy - Kayden Hatton today. He is a little doll, as well. He looks just like his Daddy and has some definite fire in his eyes. He's got his fair share of smooches coming from BB as well.

I got a call from my doctor today about my foot...he wantedme to come in and get a steroid shot. Can we saw - ouch??

My precious Dad had just came and rescued me from my children. As soon as he got to Lufkin I got the call that they needed me in the office. He came back and got me. Anywho, Dr. Warren suggested that we go with a steroid shot - keep it in a boot - and recheck it later. The MRI did show a few issues - but definitely not surgery worthy - yet. WHEW.

But then he pushes to button to make the bed go up, up, and away while he gets out the shot. Now...let me tell you...this was a SHOT. My dad saw the look in my eyes. I was not a fan. But I'm freakin suspended 4 feet in the air - and with a bum leg what the heck am I gonna do - hop down and run away? Well...the doc and my dad both picked up on my fear and took this as an opportunity to poke fun...let me tell you they were a riot (read annoying). At the last minute he actually numbed my foot and it wasn't too bad.

So far - nothing has changed. :/

Here's hoping that something gives! At least the world has 2 new beautiful baby boys in it!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Still waiting...

Current Read: Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest
Current Watch: Teen Mom
Current Procrastination: You guessed it...the pack n play laundry
Current Want: To get my results back!

So, today was my MRI. Not exactly a great time as I kept sneezing...but we should get the results back Friday - at the earliest - more realistically on Monday. Today has been a rough day. Mom is stressed and tired from taking care of me, the babies, and trying to clean my house up to "her standards." That will always be one thing we struggle with - Mom expects things to be a certain way - doesn't judge me for them not being it (even though I feel that she does) but in turn, I'm sitting with my leg elevated, miserable, watching her chase after my kids and do her best to make my house sparkle. Can we say guilt?? house is not nasty...please get that straight - I wouldn't hesitate a second to let anyone who worked full time with 2 small kids enter my home. I think that they'd get it. They'd understand the dishes in the sink and maybe even relate to the pack n play full of laundry waiting to be folding. I hope that they'd even acknowledge that I managed to sweet and clean the bathroom and give me some well deserved dap.'s not perfect. My mom managed to create the Martha Stewart house. It was always decorated. Always spotless. I didn't get that gene. There's fingerprints and smudges. Diapers in the trashcan. At least one wine glass in the sink. But it's home. It also echoes with the laughter of a little boy and the squeals of a little girl expressing her glee. It has whispers of intimacy and shared secrets of two incredibly imperfect people who are in love. It's not perfect. But it's home.

My home.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I didn't know I was pregnant...

Current Read: The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest
Current Watch: Mall Cops: Mall of America: Season 1
Current procrastination: The pack n play full of laundry...
Current Want: To be able to walk!

Okay ladies and gents...While I've been parked on my duff, I've had the opportunity to watch a lot of TV...well I've tried to anyway. I haven't been able to find anything really worth watching. I read a bit and then when I woke up the TV was on, "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant". My first reaction...really?

I have 2 questions - first of all, how do you NOT know you're pregnant? I get not realizing that you're knocked up for 1, 2, 3, maybe even 4 months - but to be 40 weeks pregnant and not have a clue?? REALLY??

Second of all - how do you get to be a member of that club? Cause, let me tell you, both times I've been knocked up, I was fully aware. Eating crazy stuff, mean, moody, sad, oh and, let's not forget - puking NONSTOP. do you get to be part of the club where you don't gain weight, you don't get sick, your boobs don't ache to the point you'd gladly donate them to charity, and you continue your daily routine as if no biggie.

Those women are ridiculous and delusional. That's what I call DENIAL.

Okay...enough of my random rant.

Tomorrow I have an MRI at 2:30 to figure out what to do with my foot. I'm not going to go into it in detail because I'm fighting the blues as is, but, it hurts people. It's depressing to not be able to care for yourself or your children. Right now life is hard.'s hoping!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

Currently read: "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest"
Currently dread: Folding a pack n play full of laundry
Currently tv: Friday Night Lights Season 3
Currently want: Urban Decay Naked pallette from Sephora

Wow...Long time no see...if anyone sees this at all...anyway. I'll explain why I'm starting my blog AGAIN at a later post...but...Christmas 2010 is a much better story.

So - Thursday, December 17th was supposed to be such an easy day. My kiddos were watching a movie, grades were in, Christmas break was right around the corner. I was PUMPED. We had a girls night out planned and I was hell bent and determined to make it. I went to Christmas Spectacular and was looking forward to girl talk and holiday cheer after the show. Then I received this message:

Need you home. NOW. Hadley throwing up. Lots.

This is never something a girl time hungry, holiday cheer needing, stressed to the max mama wants to see. I called David back and hastily explained that my phone was dying - but that she'd be fine. She was congested and teething - it was natural for her to spit up. I was NOT going home with out my girl time (read holiday cheer).

I go to dinner and head home. I was greeted by a very haggard papa bear holding a very whiny baby girl. I gave her a bottle, kept her up for a bit - I thought all was well. I put her to bed. I had doors open, monitors on - the whole bit - and was INCREDIBLY relieved that she didn't puke the entire night - and that once again my ninja mama instinct was right and it was just the teething/congestion combo.


At 6:50 the next morning I went into her room to get her dressed and ready. The crib, the floor, and the girl child were all covered with puke. At the last minute I called in a sub, got the children as dressed and ready as possible and headed out. I took her to Dr. Fidone - and he declared her victim of the stomach bug. We stayed at the doctor for 5 hours so she could receive IV fluids. We arrived at my parents to pick up the kids at 2:26.

At 2:30 Dad pulls up with Bug in the back. He rolls down his window and screams - Hurry - He's throwing up everywhere. my 2 year old. We rush inside, get cleaned off, and put a call in to Dr. Fidone that he needs meds. I called David and told him that with both babies being sick - I needed him home ASAP. He heads our direction.

David enters at 3:15 - and promptly pukes at 3:25. At that point I knew my time was coming and rushed to get medicine, gatorade, and lysol. I got home - made it through the night - changed several clothes and sets of sheets - and took babies to follow up appointments the next day. We got home Saturday afternoon around 2 - and at 2:30, the universe suddenly decided it was my turn.

None of us were 100 percent until December 23rd. Yep...2 days before Christmas. We put our tree up on the 23rd, bought stuff to cook, and started our Christmas shopping - December 23rd.

Can we say, CRAZY?

Then - out of the blue - my ankle injury became increasingly worse. It started out randomly bothering me a month ago - but this morning it was so severe that I had to go to the doctor. He says I have a torn tendon - that I need to keep it wrapped and in a boot until my MRI later in the week.


I'm ready for this break to be OVA.